Welded Plate and Shell Heat Exchangers


Welded Plate and Shell Heat Exchangers

The Alfa Laval portfolio of welded plate-and-shell heat exchangers offer ultimate robustness for challenging high pressure process duties. They are designed for high temperatures and high pressures, primarily for clean process fluids. The units deliver efficient heat transfer with a small footprint, which makes them ideal where space is restricted.

Reliable efficiency

  • Higher process yield thanks to a low pressure drop, optimal liquid/gas mixing, high operating flexibility and a fully customized design
  • Lower OPEX – The high heat recovery leads to important energy savings
  • Lower CAPEX – A single Packinox can replace several large shell-and-tubes
  • Lower maintenance costs due to minimal fouling
  • Real-time monitoring and continuous optimization by Alfa Laval experts

Due to its many advantages, Packinox has become the industry standard combined feed/effluent heat exchanger in catalytic reformers and paraxylene plants. The potential OPEX reduction in these applications is significant, and choosing the right heat exchanger has a great impact on energy costs.

Thanks to the innovative design of Packinox+, the latest addition to the Packinox family, you can now optimize for highly asymmetric flows, opening up for a wider range of demanding duties.

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