High Shear Mixer Granulator


High Shear Mixer Granulator

Gansons has manufactured the widest range of mixers for over 50 years. We constantly study the challenges faced by our clients in wet granulation; apply our extensive mixing knowledge and experience to help solve their problems.

The Gansons HSMG Processor is the new paradigm for High Shear Mixer Granulator. It is capable of blending, wetting, kneading, cutting and tumbling ingredients with addition of suitable binder(s) in a single pot.

It addresses core issues of scalability with defined and predictable results, consistent End-point detection during the life of the equipment; and with its small footprint offers flexibility in spatial layout of the production suite.

The Force Multiplier

The Gansons High Shear Mixer Granulator offers solutions to these operational concerns.

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